Oil and Grease Recycling Pilot

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Your building or complex has been selected to be a part of the City of Richmond's Oil & Grease pilot program. Input and questions from residents participating in this program are an important part of evaluating this recycling service.

We encourage you to flag questions about recycling cooking oil and grease, and share your ideas for how to improve the program using the tools found at the bottom of this page.


This program is designed to test options for collecting used cooking oil and grease from multi-family complexes in Richmond.

The pilot program will be evaluated to determine whether the service will be implemented for all multi-family buildings in the city.


  • Carts will be located in the centralized recycling area.
  • Weekly collection will be on Friday or Saturday.
  • Carts will be lined to help keep them clean.


  • Collection containers with lids will be provided to residents to collect used cooking oil and grease.
  • Additional supplies will be provided as needed for the duration of the pilot program.


  • Please check with your Strata Council and/or Building Manager for details on where additional containers are stored in your building.
  • Pick up additional containers at the Richmond Recycling Depot (5555 Lynas Lane, Richmond BC)


1. Allow used cooking oil and grease to cool after use.

2. Pour used cooking oil and grease into the collection containers provided.

3. When the collection container is full, make sure the lid is on securely and place it in the Cooking Oil & Grease Cart.

This recycling program is for collecting used cooking oil (e.g. from deep frying) and grease from animal fats (e.g. bacon or sausage).

After you pour the used cooking oil and grease into the collection container, wipe up the remaining materials with paper towel or newspaper and recycle them in your Green Cart.

You must use the collection containers provided by the City because they are made from a type of plastic that shreds easily to remove the materials during processing.

The collection container should only contain cooking oil and grease. Please separate any food scraps and recycle them in your Green Cart.

Do not pour fats, cooking oils, grease or sauces down any drain (including garburators), as it can block sewer pipes.

No plastic bags or other materials are permitted in the grease cart.


Cooking oil, grease and other fats being poured down drains causes damage to both City pipes and the plumbing in buildings. When these materials build up and harden in pipes, it causes messy sewer backups in buildings and the required repairs result in significant costs for the building property owners.

The damage to City pipes can lead to system failures, sewage spills and service disruptions for residents. Repairing and replacing these damaged pipes is expensive and affects taxes. By providing an oil and grease recycling collection program, the City is making it easy and convenient for residents to recycle these materials.

Please use the Questions and Ideas tabs at the bottom of the page to submit your feedback.


Call: 604-276-4010

Email: garbageandrecycling@richmond.ca

Your building or complex has been selected to be a part of the City of Richmond's Oil & Grease pilot program. Input and questions from residents participating in this program are an important part of evaluating this recycling service.

We encourage you to flag questions about recycling cooking oil and grease, and share your ideas for how to improve the program using the tools found at the bottom of this page.


This program is designed to test options for collecting used cooking oil and grease from multi-family complexes in Richmond.

The pilot program will be evaluated to determine whether the service will be implemented for all multi-family buildings in the city.


  • Carts will be located in the centralized recycling area.
  • Weekly collection will be on Friday or Saturday.
  • Carts will be lined to help keep them clean.


  • Collection containers with lids will be provided to residents to collect used cooking oil and grease.
  • Additional supplies will be provided as needed for the duration of the pilot program.


  • Please check with your Strata Council and/or Building Manager for details on where additional containers are stored in your building.
  • Pick up additional containers at the Richmond Recycling Depot (5555 Lynas Lane, Richmond BC)


1. Allow used cooking oil and grease to cool after use.

2. Pour used cooking oil and grease into the collection containers provided.

3. When the collection container is full, make sure the lid is on securely and place it in the Cooking Oil & Grease Cart.

This recycling program is for collecting used cooking oil (e.g. from deep frying) and grease from animal fats (e.g. bacon or sausage).

After you pour the used cooking oil and grease into the collection container, wipe up the remaining materials with paper towel or newspaper and recycle them in your Green Cart.

You must use the collection containers provided by the City because they are made from a type of plastic that shreds easily to remove the materials during processing.

The collection container should only contain cooking oil and grease. Please separate any food scraps and recycle them in your Green Cart.

Do not pour fats, cooking oils, grease or sauces down any drain (including garburators), as it can block sewer pipes.

No plastic bags or other materials are permitted in the grease cart.


Cooking oil, grease and other fats being poured down drains causes damage to both City pipes and the plumbing in buildings. When these materials build up and harden in pipes, it causes messy sewer backups in buildings and the required repairs result in significant costs for the building property owners.

The damage to City pipes can lead to system failures, sewage spills and service disruptions for residents. Repairing and replacing these damaged pipes is expensive and affects taxes. By providing an oil and grease recycling collection program, the City is making it easy and convenient for residents to recycle these materials.

Please use the Questions and Ideas tabs at the bottom of the page to submit your feedback.


Call: 604-276-4010

Email: garbageandrecycling@richmond.ca

  • Share Ideas for the Oil and Grease Pilot on Facebook Share Ideas for the Oil and Grease Pilot on Twitter Share Ideas for the Oil and Grease Pilot on Linkedin Email Ideas for the Oil and Grease Pilot link

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Page last updated: 03 Apr 2024, 04:03 PM