Let's Talk Richmond's Future: 2041 Official Community Plan Update: FORUM

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Consultation has concluded

The theme of Richmond's Community Plan (OCP) update is "Towards a Sustainable Community".

There may be things that you want to bring to our attention, and we'd like that.

Last fall we learned a lot from you through a survey and public open houses. Here is what the new discussion topics focused on.

The new discussion forum focused on:

  • The Official Community Plan - what you think about accommodating future population growth, new housing choices such as granny flats and tri-plexes, creating more vibrant and mixed use neighbourhood centres.
  • Car free neighbourhoods
  • Energy smart living
  • Ecologically healthy neighbourhoods
  • Future jobs

Thank you for talking Richmond...

The theme of Richmond's Community Plan (OCP) update is "Towards a Sustainable Community".

There may be things that you want to bring to our attention, and we'd like that.

Last fall we learned a lot from you through a survey and public open houses. Here is what the new discussion topics focused on.

The new discussion forum focused on:

  • The Official Community Plan - what you think about accommodating future population growth, new housing choices such as granny flats and tri-plexes, creating more vibrant and mixed use neighbourhood centres.
  • Car free neighbourhoods
  • Energy smart living
  • Ecologically healthy neighbourhoods
  • Future jobs

Thank you for talking Richmond...

Discussions: All (14) Open (0)
  • Transportation: What would get you on your bike?

    about 14 years ago
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    Richmond is flat and is great for cycling.  Are there enough nearby bike routes that take you where you want to go?  Where are you going?  Where are you coming from?  Would you prefer direct bike routes on major roads or slightly indirect bike routes on neighbourhood streets?  More off-street bike paths?  All of the above?

    Remember to take our Survey

  • Transportation: How can we make taking transit easier for you?

    about 14 years ago
    Share Transportation: How can we make taking transit easier for you? on Facebook Share Transportation: How can we make taking transit easier for you? on Twitter Share Transportation: How can we make taking transit easier for you? on Linkedin Email Transportation: How can we make taking transit easier for you? link
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    The Canada Line is a great catalyst to get more people taking transit.  Can you get to the system by bus from where you live?  Would more bus routes in Richmond help?  Where are you going?  Where are you coming from?

    Remember to take our Survey

  • Transportation: What else is needed to help you get out of your car?

    about 14 years ago
    Share Transportation: What else is needed to help you get out of your car? on Facebook Share Transportation: What else is needed to help you get out of your car? on Twitter Share Transportation: What else is needed to help you get out of your car? on Linkedin Email Transportation: What else is needed to help you get out of your car? link
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    Beyond improved transit and more bike routes, what other key changes are needed to make our transportation system more environmentally friendly today and for generations to come?

    Remember to take our Survey

  • Parks: What is a park? What is a green space?

    about 14 years ago
    Share Parks: What is a park? What is a green space? on Facebook Share Parks: What is a park? What is a green space? on Twitter Share Parks: What is a park? What is a green space? on Linkedin Email Parks: What is a park? What is a green space? link
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    In the OCP survey, you said that you value Richmond's GREEN SPACES as well as Parks (see the OCP survey questions and answers below).  Green spaces is not a term that the City typically uses to refer to its parks. We use the terms "parks" and "open spaces" and definitions for both are provided below.  We are seeking clarification on what you mean by the terms "parks and "green spaces".  Are they the same thing or different?

    City definitions for parks and open space

    Parks: all traditional outdoor spaces that are used by the public primarily for recreational and leisure uses. They range in size and function from destination parks (Garry Point), environmental parks (Nature Park), athletic parks (Hugh Boyd), school/parks in a neighbourhood to small City Centre parks (Land Park).

    Open Spaces: public spaces such as dyke trails, greenways, small urban plazas, undeveloped road right-of-ways, boulevard, and spaces between buildings.

    OCP SURVEY questions:

    Question 22 "my top three exciting changes that I would like to see in Richmond in the future are"...The No. 1 answer was "increase the number of parks" and "more green space". 

    Question 23 "my top three favorite things that I wouldn't want to see changed in Richmond are:"... Again, the No. 1 answer was dyke trails and green spaces. 

  • Parks: Is your neighbourhood park just a space or a special place?

    about 14 years ago
    Share Parks: Is your neighbourhood park just a space or a special place? on Facebook Share Parks: Is your neighbourhood park just a space or a special place? on Twitter Share Parks: Is your neighbourhood park just a space or a special place? on Linkedin Email Parks: Is your neighbourhood park just a space or a special place? link
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    Parks play a critical role in building a sense of community as areas to socialize as well as places for physcal activity and environmental features. What improvements can be made to your local park to encourage even more use, to improve the environment and be distinct to your neighbourhood?

  • Richmond in 2041: What kind of city do you want it to be?

    about 14 years ago
    Share Richmond in 2041: What kind of city do you want it to be? on Facebook Share Richmond in 2041: What kind of city do you want it to be? on Twitter Share Richmond in 2041: What kind of city do you want it to be? on Linkedin Email Richmond in 2041: What kind of city do you want it to be? link
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    In the OCP survey last fall, we asked you what you thought about a proposed OCP vision of what Richmond could be in 2041. You came up with a lot of ideas and so we made some changes - see A Proposed 2041 OCP Vision.  Tell us what you think. Does it reflect a city that you want to live in? Could it be Richmond in 2041? Anything missing? How do we get there?

    We also included our ecological footprint. Please check out what Richmond residents said in the OCP survey by clicking on the OCP survey link.



  • Natural Environment: Why do you value Richmond's natural environment?

    about 14 years ago
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    Clearly, Richmond residents appreciate the City's natural environment: In a recent survey "84% of respondents said the City should make more of an effort to protect and enhance environmental areas and features."  Why is Richmond's natural environment important to you? 

  • What do you think about allowing different types of housing in the City’s single-family residential areas?

    almost 14 years ago
    Share What do you think about allowing different types of housing in the City’s single-family residential areas? on Facebook Share What do you think about allowing different types of housing in the City’s single-family residential areas? on Twitter Share What do you think about allowing different types of housing in the City’s single-family residential areas? on Linkedin Email What do you think about allowing different types of housing in the City’s single-family residential areas? link
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    granny flat

    The types of housing the City is considering are coach houses, granny flats and duplexes on lots not located along a major arterial road. The City is considering extending these housing options to single-family residential areas. (The existing 1999 OCP already allows a variety of housing types in Richmond’s single family residential areas. This is occurring now on some major arterial roads and in certain neighbourhood outside the City Centre).

    • A coach house is a self-contained dwelling located above a detached garage in the rear yard.
    • A granny flat is a detached, self contained dwelling located on the ground floor in the rear yard.
    • A duplex is two self-contained dwellings located either” (1) side by side, or (2) front and back.

    (See the OCP housing choice survey for more details).

    More information on this topic:

    Benefits of new housing types.

    Description of new housing types

    How would new housing types fit into my neighbourhood

    Possible new housing types in Richmond's single family areas

  • Healthy, vibrant, mixed use neighbourhood centres.

    almost 14 years ago
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    coffee shop4Ever thought about living close to where you shop and play? Instead of climbing into your car, wouldn’t it be so much easier and healthier if you could walk or cycle to:

        * buy that last minute gift
        * get your pet to the vet
        * see your dentist
        * buy some local freshly baked croissants to impress your lunch guests
        * buy flowers for Mom, or maybe just hang out with your friends over coffee at your favourite local café.

    We would like to talk to you about transforming the 8 shopping centres into places that are at the “heart” of your community - meeting your daily needs and enhancing your quality of life. Tell us what you think?

    More on this topic:

    Future planning of 8 neighbourhood centres

    Roles and attributes of neighbourhood centres

    Map, inner core, N Centre

    Map, outer core, N Centre

    Broadmoor Neighbourhood Centre Plan

  • What’s stopping you from travelling car-free to your neighbourhood centre?

    almost 14 years ago
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    bike and pedsTell us which Richmond neighbourhood you live in and what you need to reduce your dependence on your car for getting to your local neighbourhood core.